Novi TenStep ured u Sloveniji!
Obavještavamo Vas da imamo novi TenStep ured u Sloveniji. Ured su osnovali osnivač TenStep ureda u Hrvatskoj Davor Delić i Igor Čuček. Davor će nastaviti voditi TenStep ured u Hrvatskoj dok će Igor biti direktor novog ureda u Sloveniji.
TenStep ured u Hrvatskoj omogućuje obuku upravljanja projektima za stotine pojedinaca godišnje. Nadamo se da ćemo ovaj uspjeh imati također i na tržištu Slovenije.Slovenija ima najviši BDP po stanovniku u centralnoj Europi, ima odličnu infrastrukturu, dobro educiranu radnu snagu te stratešku lokaciju između Balkana i zapadne Europe.
Mi smo uvijek uzbuđeni prilikom otvaranja novih ureda, posebno kada već znamo direktore.
Tom Mochal
Tom Mochal, PMP®, TSPM, ITBMC TenStep, Inc. USA
President of TenStep, Inc.,
a company focused on methodology development, training and consulting.
President of The TenStep Group,
the network of TenStep offices in the United States and around the world.
- Awarded 2005 Distinguished Contribution Award from the Project Management Institute (PMI),
- Author, Lessons in People Management, BookSurge, 2005
- Author Lessons in Project Management, Apress, Inc., 2003
- Author of all TenStep, Inc. products
- Published over 800 columns published on project management, people management, organizational process management and the development life-cycle.
- Member of the Atlanta, Georgia (USA) chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI)
- Member of the American Management Association (AMA)
- Member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- Member of the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (asapm®)
- Member of the Association for Strategic Planning (ASP)
- Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification from the Project Management Institute